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Donate, Become a member



Your donation will be utilized with gratitude, for researches and information-sharing of disease prevention from childhood.

Become a member (individual)


Annual membership fee is 5000 yen. A member will have a voting right in the Annual General Assembly Meeting. 

Become a supporting member (individual)


Annual supporting member fee is 3000 yen. 

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Become a corporate member


Annual corporate membership fee is 120000 yen. 

Become a supporting corporate member


Annual supporting corporate member fee is 100000 yen.

Donate, become a member

As we are an NPO, our operation is possible through support from members and per donation.

Become a member, for disease prevention from childhood.

Individual annual membership (with voting right): 5000 yen 

Municipal government, NGO/NPO: 10000 yen

Private corporation: 100000 yen


Supporting member: Annual membership 3000 yen

Supporting municipal government, NGO/NPO: 10000 yen

Supporting private corporation: 100000 yen

Bank Account Information

The Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ  (0005)

Akasaka-mitsuke Branch (064)

Account Number: 0362216

Name: NPO Corporation Healthy Children Healthy Lives

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